Private: Blog

SoCal Social Analytics Workshop

On May 11th, Professor Chen Li at University of California, Irvine hosted the SoCal Social Analytics Workshop. This workshop brought together researchers across the UC system interested in using social data to solve complex societal problems. A main theme of the event was social data and public health. […]

EVENT: The Intersection of Health and Tech: A Quest for Wellness

On May 22nd, UCIPT and the Student Alumni Association at UCLA will host an event for students and alumni who are interested in the intersection of health and technology. This event is designed for those who have an interest in innovative technical solutions to healthcare problems. The event […]

The Role of Social Media in Political Protests

A Q&A with a UCIPT Postdoctoral Researcher What does social media tell you about the state of race relations on UCLA’s campus right now? Many of the race relation debates that we see in real life are also taking place on social media. For example, recent police shootings in […]

Using Twitter to Gauge Sentiment in the Arab World

A Q&A with a UCIPT Postdoctoral Researcher What psychological trends have you noticed on Twitter generally with the end of Ramadan? Ramadan, or fasting month, is one of the biggest Muslim holidays. For those who celebrate Ramadan, the month is dedicated to spending more time with family and only […]

Social Media and Distracted Driving

A Q&A with a UCIPT Postdoctoral Researcher Are there any tools that would enable one to see if a driver is distracted by usage of social media on their smartphone? A recent report estimated that up to a quarter of motor vehicle accidents involve the illegal use of […]

How Tweets Reflect Emotional States

A Q&A with a UCIPT Postdoctoral Researcher What do tweets typically look like when someone is sleep deprived? We have not studied this topic before. Sleep quality or deprivation are usually captured using “direct” measurements such as biometric sensors (e.g., Basis sleep bands) or sleep-related questionnaires. Nevertheless, I […]