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Lessons From A Pandemic: Contact Tracing

Though contact tracing seems like a common-sense solution to a highly infectious disease, many nations have been surprised by their constituents’ resistance in using tracing software on their smartphones and in returning calls from public health departments. We dig into why contact tracing has not been the pandemic solution it was touted to be.

How Alibaba Is Aiding In Diagnosing COVID-19 Cases And Sharing Information In The Pandemic

China’s richest man Jack Ma recently pledged to provide 100-million additional masks, as well as 1-million N95 masks and test kits, to the World Health Organization to be distributed as needed. It is not just Ma and his Foundation that are working on building solutions to support those suffering in the pandemic. Alibaba Cloud details products that were built on its Cloud platform to assist in the fight against COVID-19 in a recent white paper.

Freedom And The American Psyche: Can We Follow The COVID Rules?

By Shivaune Field The July 4 holiday has long been a tradition of people gathering together for daytime barbecues, summer fun and evening fireworks. It is a time of laughter and carefree indulgence, a celebration of independence from British rule, as well as the freedom that is a cornerstone […]